DX Toys
Step by step how to register account.

1. Visit the DX Toys Website

On the homepage, locate the "Login / Sign up" option at the top-right corner of the page. Click on it to open the login/registration form.
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2. Select the Sign-Up Option

If the login form appears, click the "Sign up" link under the "New user?" text to switch to the registration form.
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3. Sign up with your username

Choose the option " Sign up with your username"
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4. Enter the details

IMPORTANT: MUST USE THE SAME USERNAME THAT YOU USED ON TIKTOK To ensure consistency, you must use the same username on this platform as the one you used on TikTok. This will help maintain brand identity and recognition across platforms.
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5. Enter your details

Make sure to enter your name exactly as it appears on TikTok to maintain consistency and easy recognition across platforms. Enter your email to receive the verification code.
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6. Open the email and copy the code

To proceed, open the email associated with your account, locate the verification code sent by the platform, and copy it. Once you have the code, return to the registration page and paste it into the "Verification Code" field to complete the signup process.
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Congratulations! Now you are the member of DX TOYS.