DX Toys
Step by step how to make order.

1. Visit DX Toys Webstore

Select the Games category.
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2. Select the product

Choose the product you want to make order.
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3. Add to cart

Enter the quantity and add to cart.
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4. Checkout

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5. Confirm order

Confirm the order and next.
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6. Select Delivery Method

Select the Pay on Delivery method. (Only shipping fee can be paid on delivery, product need to pay now)
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7. Payment Method

Choose Pay with Billplz (It supports FPX, Debit card, Credit card and e-Wallet)
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7. Confirmation

Double-check the receiver's name, mobile no, e-mail, and address. Make sure all the details are correct and click on Confirm to buy.
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8. Proceed to payment

Select the payment method and Proceed to pay.
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9. Watch our LIVE

After the order is completed, back to the homepage and click on Watch LIVE here! We will announce your name and see what prize you get. Wish you all the best!
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Thank you for choosing DX TOYS. Wish you all the best!